Los Angeles Times Bestseller by Jayme Barrett
Over 150,000 copies sold and a top feng shui book on Amazon!
Foreword by Oscar-Winning actress Mary Steenburgen

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Click below to buy the Los Angeles Times Best-Selling Book, Feng Shui Your Life online. If you want Jayme to autograph her book and write a personalized message to you, a friend or client, email us here.
- To buy it on Amazon, Click HERE. (350 reviews!)
- To buy the book or NOOK edition on Barnes and Noble, click here
“Books like “Feng Shui Your Life” usually languish on coffee tables, picked over like so many hors d’oevres. But this one is more than just a pretty face. It’s a practical, inspiring roadmap to clearing clutter from your life, and the first on feng shui I’ve seen that isn’t just for people who can afford to throw out their broken things and buy new ones. It is, in other words, a helpful basis for true change.”– Susan Salter Reynolds, Los Angeles Times Book Review
“My Feng Shui consultant, Jayme Barrett, has a wealth of knowledge. Her sense of humor and her practicality is what sets this book apart from others. She shares her beautiful sensibilities about how powerfully our thoughts and our words affect what we manifest in life. Most readers will be amazed at how, instinctively, they have always decorated their homes according to Feng Shui principles. This beautiful book will validate your own sensual instincts and teach you some wonderful new ideas as well. Feng Shui Your Life is informative, thorough –and fun, which, really, is what Feng Shui should be.” – Oscar-winning actress Mary Steenburgen
“Feng Shui Your Life is for anyone who wants a happier life. It brims with easy-to-understand skills to turn your home and work space into beautiful, comfortable and optimally organized environments.” – Mark Victor Hansen, Author, Chicken Soup for the Soul
“Feng shui is not only an organizational tool for your home, it is a way of life. In this book, Jayme Barrett can help you discover a more energized and balanced lifestyle experiencing all the tranquility, vibrancy and clarity that comes when you Feng Shui Your Life.” – Anthony Robbins, Author, Awaken the Giant Within and Unlimited Power
Book Summary from the Publisher
Jayme Barrett, the feng shui consultant to the rich and powerful of Beverly Hills, has written the most comprehensive and life-changing book on the subject. Taking us on a personal tour of homes with exceptional feng shui, Ms. Barrett explains the techniques she uses to create “positive space.” Room by room, she illustrates the deeper purpose of every aspect of design; she demonstrates how the simplest adjustment – placing a plant in the right corner – can make a world of difference in your daily mood and, ultimately, your life. Feng shui, she observes, is not just about the spaces we occupy. It is a philosophy and way of life that begins with our mental, emotional and spiritual enhancement. Once we use her regime to cleanse and energize our spirit, we can turn to the transformation of our environment and our lives. Lush photography and hundreds upon hundreds of facts, ideas, tips, and suggestions – from her own experience and gleaned from the wisdom of the ages – take us ever closer to the revitalization of home, health, and spirit.
You’ll learn:
- How to incorporate the basic principles of feng shui into your inner and outer life;
- How to use the four levels of feng shui – the practical, energetic, symbolic and personal – to enhance your well-being;
- How to use the Bagua – a feng shui map – to locate the energy centers that influence your health, relationships, career, finances, family, creativity, wisdom, and reputation;
- How to implement the principles of feng shui room by room, from the foyer to the garden;
- How to use feng shui tips and shortcuts to create immediate, transformative changes in your life;
- And more!

Table of Contents
Chapter One: Feng Shui Essentials
Chapter Two: Inner Feng Shui
Chapter Three: Clutter and Space Cleansing
Chapter Four: Energy Solutions and Enhancements
Chapter Five: The Bagua (Feng Shui Map)
Chapter Six: The Nine Energy Centers
Chapter Seven: The Front Entrance and Foyer
Chapter Eight: The Bedroom and Bathroom
Chapter Nine: Kitchen, Dining and Living Rooms
Chapter Ten: Workplace and Home Office
Chapter Eleven: Feng Shui Tips
Amazon Reviews
Read 350 more reviews HERE
“No one can explain Feng Shui better than Jayme Barrett, who’s beautiful book should be on everyone’s coffee table! She makes feng shui simple and easy to apply to your home or office right away. Just simple realignment of objects and furniture can help you sleep better, have more harmony in your relationships, and help more money flow to you more easily and Jayme shows you how. In the 24-hour period after I installed a fountain in my wealth center, I received nearly $2500. Jayme is a true transformational coach with years of professional experience, and her book is a real find!” – Chellie Campbell, author, The Wealthy Spirit
“I have read many books on feng shui and “Feng Shui Your Life” is definitely one of the very best! With lovely pictures, brilliantly organized — and easy — description of the Ba-gua and how to use it, and an intelligent, simple, solution oriented approach to lifting the energy/increasing the harmony/blessings of each area/room of your house and garden. It’s thoroughly enjoyable reading and the kind of book that you keep to read again and again. This is a great guide to Feng Shui. It takes away much of the contradictions and confusion presented by other people, yet does not leave out a single important point. Better yet, all the solutions are easy to do!” – Jody Clark
“Outstanding!! This book is excellent! This is absolutely the best book on Feng Shui I’ve ever read! I implemented concepts from the book in my home and life bringing in numerous positive and harmonious changes. I also own a spa in Los Angeles and had the wonderful pleasure of a Feng Shui consultation with Jayme for my business. Since then the business has more than doubled and prosperity and abundance continue to flourish. The space flows with wonderful positive energy and looks beautiful. Jayme I cant thank you enough for all of the inspiration! I Highly recommend this book as well as a Feng Shui consultation with Jayme. It will change your life!” – Jodi Timmons
“One of my best friends bought me this book after I sent her Jayme’s online newsletter…pretty powerful newsletter, I’d say! I read this book daily now and cannot believe the content and context of the information it constantly imparts to me; it is enjoyable beyond what I could have believed. Every paragraph has resonated with me and is the direction I have been wanting to go; and now I know I have a scout who has gone out there and blazed this trail and come back inside to write about it! The cleanliness, clarity, strength and beauty of this writing portrays who Jayme is, and I can’t say enough about that level and depth of life. It is awesome to find it outside of oneself on the pages of a book as grand as this beautiful book is. I am happy to turn the pages of this book slowly and deliberately and find support on “how to do a life well lived”. This is the perfect book for me, having just bought a new space in L.A., I will use this book to go forward on discovering who the new me is! Thank you!” – Nanci Del Pico
“A cover to cover joy to read. Feng Shui Your Life truly encapsulates living within a positive environment. The author clearly and concisely explains in detail the ways you as a reader can enhance your space and your environment to better influence the energy around you. It is by no means mystical rather it is a practical explanation on how colors, plants, furniture placement, etc impact our daily moods. It is the type of book that when you’re finished, a light bulb goes off and you think why didn’t I do this earlier?! The pictures are rich in color and detail and are an excellent example of people who have applied the tactics of Feng Shui to their own homes. I picked this book up and read it cover to cover that day! I applied many of the tips and tricks and have experienced so many wonderful changes in my life since doing so. This book is invaluable when looking to make positive changes either as a fresh start, spring cleaning, moving, or just to enhance your space! I can’t recommend this book enough!!! – Erin S.
“This book is so much more than placement of furniture or painting your door red. You will want to read it from cover to cover many times. Ms. Barrett is truly an inspired and gifted writer bringing to her audience a way to `Feng Shui Your Life’. Bringing energy into your home and into your life is not a quick fix but a lifelong pursuit. The author gives us many tools to work within our everyday lives. To be able to connect to our energy with our intuition and our sacred spaces brings healing on all levels. This is a great reference, instructional and inspirational book that you will want to revisit many, many times. I am deeply appreciative of the guidance and encouragement I received. If you read this book, you will indeed be grateful for the positive changes you make in your life.” – Shirley Smith