6 Easy Steps to Clutter-Free Living!

How we care for our home is a subtle but significant expression of self-esteem.  —Gunilla Norris

What are the messages your home is sending out to you? Are you receiving peaceful or chaotic vibes? You must realize that your home is revealing your life story and can either facilitate your growth or stunt it. As you know, clutter shrinks your personal and professional energy, binding you to “things” rather than allowing your energy to skyrocket.

Imagine you are the driver in the front car of a train. You are going from New York to California to follow your dream of living by the beach. Your plan is to get to Los Angeles in three days, but at every stop, you pick up dozens of freight cars that attach onto your back. Your speed becomes slower and slower. You suddenly realize that you have accumulated five miles of cargo behind you. Do you think you’ll get to California in the same amount of time as originally planned? Are you lagging and more likely to get bogged down with engine problems?

Here’s the message. Keeping your clutter is like carrying miles of freight energy on your back. It blocks you from stretching your wings and flying towards your successful destiny.

It’s important to begin clearing clutter today. Try to look beyond the clutter and visualize how you will feel when your home and mind are clean. Start with the baby steps listed below. If you find your momentum, don’t stop. Clearing clutter is your ticket to happiness, success, productivity and a beautiful home!

  1. In general, quickly recycle junk mail as well as old newspapers and magazines. If there are articles you want to keep, cut them out and put them in a special box.
  2. In the bedroom, clear clutter from underneath your bed. Go through your closet and let go of old and unworn clothes, shoes, belts, hats and scarves. They can be given to a charitable organization or friends. Remove photos or mementos from people that drain your energy. Wash your drapes and bedding.
  3. In the living room, go through your bookcase and give away half-read books that you never intend to read again. You can keep books you love, refer to, have sentimental value and move you forward towards your goals. Let go of books that no longer serve you (i.e. books from a past career, from college or an outgrown hobby) and donate them to a local library. Clear your bookshelves to open the door for new interests. Buy a couple books that move you in your desired direction. .
  4. De-clutter your coffee table and mantel. Take everything off and then only put back the objects you need, use or love. Beauty and organization is the key. Get a decorative box to place your remote controls! Instead, place a favorite book with a beautiful picture on the cover.  It’s a good conversation piece.
  5. Re-access your collections. Can you downsize? You may want to give a few away or sell them on the Internet. Make money for new hobbies and interests.
  6. Dust, vacuum and clean your windows. Open the windows and let fresh air inside.  Invite the fresh energy of spring to flow into your life!
  7. For a more complete Clutter Clearing Action Plan, click HERE.

For more on Clearing Clutter, read Chapter 3 of Feng Shui Your Life

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