6 Ways to Live Authentically & Passionately Now!

“Every blade of grass has its Angel that bends over it and whispers, “Grow, Grow.” -Talmud

Are you expressing your inner truth? Living in alignment with your values? Connecting with your passions? Communing with the Divine? If your answer is “not really,” now is the time to begin. It’s never too late to ignite the fire of genuine self-expression!

I’m reminded of Eat, Pray, Love, the best-seller by Elizabeth Gilbert, who after a painful divorce, traveled through Italy, India and Indonesia searching inside and out for her inner truth and happiness. Her journey was filled with adventure, emotional risks and spiritual development.

Elizabeth triumphed after much self-reflection, letting go of the “shoulds” in her life, and acting on her intuition to spend one year traveling around the world to find herself, her passions and love again. She took a risk and it paid off in many ways. While everyone can’t take a year off to find themselves, you can explore your inner yearnings and passions in your own city… with a little ingenuity.

Here are 6 ways to start on your own journey of authenticity & passion:

1)     Start a meditation practice today. Take time out of your busy day to sit quietly, ask for guidance and connect to the divine energy within you. You must clear the mental and emotional clutter that blocks your ability to hear the whisperings of your soul. You can meditate by focusing on your deep in and out breaths, repeat a word like “Peace, Love or Gratitude” or you can use a guided meditation. One of my favorites is called the Meditation on Twin Hearts and you can read about my number one tip for creating a meditation space here

2)     Follow your intuition, step into the unknown and leap into the field of all possibilities. What has your gut been urging you to do? If you stay safe in your comfort zone, you’ll never know what “could have been.” In Julia Cameron’s book The Artist’s Way, she suggests you take yourself on a weekly date to fill your creativity tank. It’s a wonderful way to step lightly into new adventures that can change your life. When I read her book in 1995, I took myself to a flamenco dance performance which led me into 2 years of flamenco dancing classes that filled my soul.

3)     Start taking baby steps towards fulfilling your dreams. If you’ve envisioned owning a horse ranch, take yourself horse-back riding. If you’ve always wanted to go to Japan, spend time in a Japanese garden or take part in a tea ceremony. If you want to have your own cooking show on television, invite friends over for a cooking lesson and dinner party. Ask somebody to take a video and post it on Facebook. Go places and participate in events that fill your soul and allow you to breath in your dream as often as you can.

4)     Make a Manifestation Board to further energize your wishes. This is a corkboard where you’ll place pictures, words, & quotes from magazines or in the internet representing the life you wish to create for yourself. Write an intentional statement expressing what you want in red pen. Hang your board where you can see it every day and you will attract wonderful opportunities into your life.

5)     Create good feng shui in your home to support you in living your best life. The book Feng Shui Your Life offers hundreds of tips and beautiful pictures to create happiness, health and success in your home, office and life. 

Feng Shui Your LifeStart with these tips:

    • Clear Clutter.
    • Open your shades for plenty of sunlight.
    • Add thriving plants to bring in more oxygen.
    • Paint your walls colors that lift your spirit.
    • Remove mementos that remind you of a past negative relationship or situation.
    • Fill your home with positive imagery that makes you feel loved and motivated.

6)     Open your heart and share your love. It’s important to give that which you desire the most. If you give love, you’ll receive love. You can also send pink loving energy to everyone in your life. Forgive them and ask for their forgiveness. An open heart attracts blessings on every level!

When you reconnect and nurture your authentic self, you’ll experience deep fulfillment! Start today and you’ll be one day closer to living your best, authentic life.

Sending positive energy your way,
Jayme Barrett

This article was inspired by “Shui, Pray Love” 6 Ways to Start Your Own Journey” originally written by Jayme Barrett for Mindbodygreen.com here.

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