How To Transform Your Life In 14 Days

If you’re needing a little push in a new direction, now is a great time to take action. Even though you think you “should,” sometimes you don’t feel as motivated as you’d like to. You might be feeling a little overwhelmed or it all seems a bit daunting. Perhaps a few upsetting situations knocked you off your center?

Take stock. Are you eating healthy or for emotional reasons? Are you moving your body? Are there projects you haven’t completed? Has clutter piled up? If any or all of these feelings are right up your alley, you’re in the perfect position to create a new positive trajectory.

You can dramatically change the energy in your life in two weeks.

It’s not a long time and once you see the results, you’ll be motivated to continue on this new path. Positive energy attracts more positive energy. As you know, the opposite also holds true. Invite a friend to do it with you so you can check in with one another.

Below is a 14-Day Challenge I take on when I need some new energy:

1. Evaluate your life and write down your new intention.

It takes strong intention and action to shift the negative energy into a positive momentum. Evaluate how your life feels to you right now. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best, what number defines how you feel right now?

Next, write down your specific intention about how you want to feel in two weeks. Also, write down the number you want to manifest in two weeks time. (A good goal is eight or higher.)

2. On a piece of paper, list everything and everybody who is bringing down your energy.

Your Priority #1 is clearing clutter, and it encompasses everything from physical to mental and emotional clutter. This includes house, work, and personal projects as well as errands, calls, doctor appointments and conversations you’re avoiding, etc.

Decide how many of these things you can complete in 14 days. Procrastination seriously depletes your life force energy. Just think about an issue you’re not dealing with. Usually a big heavy sigh follows. Challenge yourself but also be realistic so you can WIN by completing your list. Once you finish this initial list, you can continue with a larger list if you wish. Prioritize items in terms of how much energy you lose when thinking about them. In two weeks, you’ll be amazed at how many you’ll be able to cross off.

3. Now, write down the energy boosting programs you will take on for the next two weeks.

You can categorize your program in the following way and be specific about what you’ll do in each category. Don’t over-promise, but challenge yourself. Feel free to tweak the program for your unique goals. Make it do-able.soul happy

  • Healthy eating plan
  • Daily exercise
  • Daily meditation
  • Daily affirmations
  • A personal goal

4. Make a commitment to yourself and take action.

Do what you say! I usually give myself a red star on my calendar for every day I’m successful. Also, within four to five days, I already see a difference in my appearance and feel energized about how well I’m following my plan.

5. Re-Evaluate Your Life and Celebrate!

After 14 days, get out your lists and cross off what you’ve completed. Next, circle the Wellness Plans you successfully implemented. Now, rate your life from 1-10 and see how far you’ve come in only two weeks of effort. Eating healthy, moving your body, practicing daily meditation and affirmations for 14 days will absolutely uplift your mood and energy. Clearing clutter will set you free. A space clearing might also be in order.

You might want to do a house blessing after you’ve cleared and organized your stuff. Next, celebrate with friends and family by treating yourself to something that makes you happy. Reward yourself for a job well done.

It’s important to build your positive energy muscle day by day!

You can decide if you want to continue to take on one week challenges and make new lists! It’s fun, and the best part about the short time intervals is that they’re manageable. If we think we have to change our lives forever, sometimes it’s too overwhelming.

Once you get your life back on track and feel energized, you can move into manifesting the big stuff!


(Yes You Can artwork by Jessica Swift)


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