The Importance of “Me” Time

Jayme in Vineyard

What small steps can we take for more “me time?” The idea that our world will come tumbling down if we are not present for each moment of everyone else’s life is not true. It makes us feel important and we are but splitting the pie to be more balanced in the ME category is well worth it if we plan to make our health a priority.

I’ve found the key to “me time” is to schedule it into my day and week. Also, instead of feeling guilty for it, I feel grateful for it. We might have to wake up a little earlier or take some well-deserved breaks in our day or stop scrolling on social media. Can you find just 30 minutes in your day?

The more you take care of your body, mind and spirit, the more energy you’ll have for everyone else. Also, you’ll feel less resentful and happier to be there for others.

Self Care

Nurturing yourself is key. Staying healthy is not just important but essential. Don’t wait until something more dire forces you to do it. Do it now.

This week, make a simple plan for 30 minutes each day. Take baby steps. You can also split the time up. Perhaps give yourself 15 minutes to move your body. (I play Disco music in the kitchen and dance while cooking and cleaning. So much fun and my heart is pumping!) Also, give yourself fifteen minutes to do some kind of deep breathing, meditation or quiet writing.

If you find at the end of the day you didn’t get to it, just pull yourself away from Netflix, Amazon or Starz and do 15 min of stretching and 15 minutes of journaling. Start small and begin building your “me time” muscle.

Try it and see how it feels to take care of yourself. Then, little by little, you might be able to give yourself more time. You deserve it!

P.S. If you know you want a full week of “me time” on a rejuvenation vacation with like-minded women, click here to learn more about my women’s retreats in Europe and Morocco!

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