Feng Shui Your Purse for Prosperity

Red purse

How many times have you reached into your pocketbook to get your wallet only to find a handful of receipts, gum wrappers, melted lip stick, pens, or scratched sunglasses? How much time do you lose trying to find your keys or rummaging through your wallet for that $20 bill you stashed? We are in and out of our purses, computer cases and wallets many times a day so it behooves us to feng shui them!

Below are five ways to get the energy and money flowing!

1) Create a Prosperous Intention – Your purse is the holder of your check book, wallet, beauty products, and keys to your home and car. Your briefcase holds your computer, important files, promotional material, expensive pens etc. Your wallet holds your credit cards, cash, business cards etc. What is your purse, briefcase and wallet saying about you? How does it make you feel? Now is the time to be purposeful about how you shui your money- generating holders. Your intention should be to invite and multiply your prosperity energy!

2) Clear the Clutter – Every couple weeks, you need to dump out the contents of your purse, briefcase and wallet. Get rid of anything that isn’t supporting your income and confidence. Ditch the trash and organize it so you can find everything efficiently. Don’t let clutter stop the flow of wealth.
prosperity purse

3) Use a Red or Gold Wallet or Purse – Red and gold are prosperity colors that will energize your money. Keep it in good shape and buy a new one every few years so it’s shiny! Empty out your receipts once a week, keep your business cards stocked and stash a $100 bill so you always feel prosperous!

4) Detox Your Make-up Bag – If your make-up bag looks like a paintball explosion, you might take on the same look. Don’t keep promotional samples just because they are free. Clean out any bashed, broken or leaking products. Only keep the colors and products you wear and love! You don’t want to be embarrassed by pulling out a ratty make-up bag at the end of a power lunch.

5) Buy a Purse Holder – It’s important to hang your purse on the table at restaurants so your money does not touch the dirty floor, which depletes prosperity. Check out my favorite purse holders at www.luxelink.com to see all their great styles. Besides all the great flower designs, I love the Swarovski crystal ones!

Lastly, here’s a Facebook video where I discuss the importance of a red wallet! Click HERE.

You’ll soon have so much prosperity that you’ll be able to join me for my 2021 Women’s Rejuvenation Retreats to the Italian Riviera, Santorini Greece and Marrakech Morocco!

Love and pink light,


P.S. Like-minded ladies – I’m inviting you to join my private Positive Energy Sisterhood group on Facebook for more community sharing on this topic and much more!

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