Spring Equinox Ritual for New Beginnings

Spring Equnox Ritual

Happy Spring! Today is a good day to clear old energies and bring in the new. We’re letting go of the darkness and welcoming in the light. Let’s set our intentions to make space for magic and new positive possibilities.

Below is a spring ritual I’ve created just for you. Feel free to use it this weekend to open up to your own rebirth and set your dreams into motion.

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1) Set up a spring altar in your own special way. Use your intuition. For example, you can go outside and pick a flower, rock, leaf, shell or any nature element you want. If you can’t go outside, use something you already have, a photo from a magazine or a nature image from the internet/book. Add a candle. Have a journal close-by (or pen/paper) to write your intentions. You can also add crystals, a bowl of water (that has been out in the sun for a couple hours), a spiritual book or anything else you wish. These are simply suggestions… you can have a very simple altar with a nature element and candle. The key is to do the ritual… not have a “perfect altar.”

2) Light your candle and ask the universe (God, higher power etc) for blessings for you, family, friends and the world.

3) Tap the middle of your chest (your heart center) three times and then place both hands on your heart. Close your eyes and envision a beautiful pink rose inside your heart. Imagine the smiling face of someone you love dearly inside the rose and project love to that person. Tell them how much you love them. Feel their love coming back to you multiplied. Spend a few minutes breathing deeply into this loving, safe feeling.

4) When you feel this love, your heart opens. With this loving feeling, envision yourself feeling free and doing the things that make you happy and fulfilled. See your life, relationships, work, travel etc expanding. Envision the scenes like in a movie and keep a smile on your face.

5) Now, send pink light to the vision of your happy life. Envision pink light enveloping the movie. Send streams of loving pink light to your vision.

6) Then, thank God (or the universe, higher power, nature etc) for all your blessings and for divine protection for you and your family. Open your eyes feeling grateful with a smile.

7) Now, hold your lit candle and speak out loud some of your wishes. Don’t be afraid to speak them. You just experienced them in the pink light meditation. You can also walk around your home with your candle and speak your wishes into each room. What would you like to happen in each room? Deep sleep, healthy meals, joyful dinner parties, creative work etc?

8) Now, go back to your altar and write your spring wishes and intentions. You might even write them in color… pink, red, or green ink if you have it. Decorate your page with hearts, clovers and any other way to enliven your wishes. Be playful like a child.

9) If the weather permits, take a walk in nature and day dream. Or simply sit in a comfortable chair looking out the window to dream.

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Bonus – It would also be great to clear clutter and do a space clearing. In addition, consciously try to let go of thoughts and behaviors holding you back from living a more joyful life. Spring is about letting go of the old and bringing in the new. You can perform a house blessing as well. Use this weekend to open space for magic.

Happy Spring my friend! Wishing you a new beginning starting today.


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