Less Stuff = More Happiness

Clutter….it causes stress, chaos, and overwhelm.

Ask yourself, “Do I really need all of these things from my past?”

If you want to move forward in your life, it’s necessary to create open space to invite new ideas, opportunities and happiness in. Keeping wonderful, feel-good things from your past is comforting. However, from a feng shui standpoint, you must balance your home by creating some openness for the future, where all possibilities can unfold!

Every year, Americans acquire more and more “stuff” causing us to spend more money, have less space in our big homes and feel stressed about what to do with all our belongings. In this 6 minute video, Graham Hill discusses his philosophy on editing your life. What is truly important to keep? Does your “stuff ” add to or detract from your happiness?

[youtube L8YJtvHGeUU 560 315]

Clearing clutter is at the core of feng shui’ing your life! Do you think editing your stuff would give you more time to enjoy your life? If so, check out these clutter clearing tips to get you moving in the right direction!

Sending positive energy your way,

Jayme Barrett

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