Gratitude Wake-Up Call – 7 Tips for Increased Happiness!

JFK gratitude

Gratitude creates flow, happiness and abundance in your life. It is a simple shift in consciousness that expands your energy and allows more positive energy to enter your life. There really is so much to be grateful for—so many little things that bring us joy. A cup of your favorite coffee on the way to work, indulging in a romance novel on a rainy day, the view of the ocean on a beach walk, a luxurious soak in the bathtub. Are you a person who sees the glass as half-full?

Consider this your “Gratitude Wake-up Call” and wake up every day with gratitude. When you focus on all that you have, you feel more fulfilled. Gratitude is especially important during hard times. To keep yourself from moving into long bouts of anger or despair, it’s important to write every night in a gratitude journal. Write simple yet essential things that keep you alive, sheltered and loved. It could be “thank you for my soft sheets”, “thank you for my motivation to walk this morning, “I’m grateful for the unconditional love of my dog” or “I’m grateful for my boss’ good mood today

Below are seven easy ways to express gratitude…melody gratitude

  1. Say “Thank You” in a Personal and Purposeful Way –  After saying your usual “thank you” to people in your daily life, simply add another sentence. For instance, you could say to your hairstylist, “You always do an amazing job on my hair but even more, you provide a relaxing environment for me to unwind, read something silly and feel pampered. I really appreciate you.”
  2. Give an extra $1 (or more) tip – Whether you are tipping a waitress, the guy washing your car or your mail lady, give a little extra to show your appreciation.
  3. Drop off food at a Local Shelter – When you are at the market choosing foods (fresh or canned), say to yourself, “I am so grateful to have the money to eat healthy foods and take good care of my body. I am thankful that I have a beautiful home to live in.”
  4. Remember to Acknowledge the Person Closest to You – Sometimes you forget to express gratitude to the person who sleeps next to you. You can start a ritual of telling your partner three things you are grateful for each night before bed! This gratitude will bring you kindness in the days to come.
  5. Express Gratitude at Meals – At the breakfast or dinner table, ask everyone to share 3 things they are grateful for in their lives. Speaking it out loud is very powerful. You might express your gratitude for each person sitting at the table as well. Be specific.
  6. Offer to Help If there is someone that makes your life happier, healthier or more loving, offer to assist them in some special way. You might help them organize their desk, paint a room, pick up some food at the grocery store or listen to their new business plan. Make their day because they have made yours so many times!
  7. Give to Charity “As you give, you receive.” Go to or to look at thousands of charities that need our help and contributions. I also love where you can buy animals for a family in a third world country which helps them become self-reliant.

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